Name: Jude Oznik (Herschel ben Esther v'Tobiah)

Age: 54

Gender: Trans man

Species: Slarm (page TBA)

Occupation: Private investigator, crime writer

Nationality: Ashkenazi American

Jude is a local detective who works on personal investigations, missing persons, domestic disputes, and the occasional homicide, mostly cases the police won't bother with. The majority of the people who hire him are people the police turned away, usually sex workers and family members of victims. Despite constantly working with cases of that nature, he still mantains a vaguely movie-star level of charisma and a quick wit lifted from old noir books.

Jude was raised as a woman in a small Iowan suburb, very quickly being moved ahead a grade and passing through high school with flying colors. He went onto law school, where he met Azimoth Oznik, who he was under the impression was a very whimsical homeless man. After completing his education, the two of them got engaged and had a child, Barrow. Very shortly after, Azimoth suddenly left in a moment of urgency, leaving Jude alone with a newborn child. As Jude worked through the abandonment, he realized that he wasn't meant to be a woman, the following distress mostly coming from what happened to his body. He stole an honestly amazing amount of testosterone in a drug bust he helped investigate (mostly being bought by juicers) and he was able to live off that until he could get a prescription written sometime in the 2000s (babies are expensive). His strange biology allowed for a much smoother transition than the average person, only really needing to get top surgery.

After investigating and closing the case against Bruce Harlem, he took on the Romano family more as a personal project than anything else. The amount of power the syndicate held over the city and nearby counties and their politics and police was what mainly spurred him into action. Over time, as more and more was being dug up against Tito, the more obsessed Jude became with the case. He gathered enough evidence to earn himself house calls, ranging from actual phone calls to Tito himself showing up to his house.

Likes: Spending time with his kids (when he can), glamrock, Jem and the Holograms, Columbo (and Murder She Wrote) , Nancy Drew, just any cool girl thing he grew up with in the 80s, 2000s Adult Swim (specifically ATHF) (he was Very Normal about Frylock), spaghetti westerns, sitting in the sun like a lizard, lemon chicken (has been spotted eating it cold from the fridge), a nice hot blanket, rum raisin ice cream

Dislikes: Step’s attitude and music taste (and habit of hotboxing the apartment), looking at old pictures (that blonde bob cut haunts him daily), the cold, remembering he’s 54, alcohol/getting drunk, old man loneliness, how happy he gets when Tito makes house calls